Rule History

This page contains historical information on previously adopted rule development projects. For questions associated with this page or for information on rule actions before 2007, please call the Rules section at (805) 979-8050 or e-mail us at

MeetingRegulation XIII, Part 70 Operating Permits – Emergency Affirmative Defense Provisions
Board Hearing

On Thursday, August 15, 2024, the District held a public hearing and adopted the amendments to District Regulation XIII, Part 70 Operating Permits (Rules 1301, 1302, and 1303). The amendments remove the Emergency Affirmative Defense provisions consistent with the recent changes to federal Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) regulations, and includes other minor changes consistent with the federal Clean Air Act.

Meeting Materials: Board Package | Public Notice | Presentation 

CAC Meeting

The District discussed the proposed amendments to District Regulation XIII, Part 70 Operating Permits on Monday, July 8, 2024 at 3:00 PM at the Sideways Inn – Vintage Hall, located at 114 East Highway 246 in Buellton.

Meeting Materials:  Memorandum | Draft Staff Report | Draft Rules 1301 – 1303 | Presentation

MeetingRule 210, Fees, and Other Affected Rules
Board Hearings

The District Board of Directors held two public hearings on March 21 and May 16, 2024 to consider the proposed revisions to District Rule 210, Fees, and Other Affected Rules (Rules 203, 211, 213, 342, 359, 361, 364, 370, 502, 806, and 1201). The rules were adopted at the May 16, 2024 public hearing and are effective on July 1, 2024.

Meeting Materials:  May Board Packet, March Board Packet, March Presentation, Public Notice, Proposed Rules (see table below),

Rule 210FeesNotated ChangesProposed Rule
Rule 203TransferNotated ChangesProposed Rule
Rule 211Technical ReportsNotated ChangesProposed Rule
Rule 213Fees for Registration ProgramsNotated ChangesProposed Rule
Rule 342Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (5 MMBtu/hr and greater)Notated ChangesProposed Rule
Rule 359Flares and Thermal OxidizersNotated ChangesProposed Rule
Rule 361Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (2 – 5 MMBtu/hr)Notated ChangesProposed Rule
Rule 364Refinery Fenceline and Community Air MonitoringNotated ChangesProposed Rule
Rule 370Potential To Emit – Limitations for Part 70 SourcesNotated ChangesProposed Rule
Rule 502Filing PetitionsNotated ChangesProposed Rule
Rule 806Emission Reduction CreditsNotated ChangesProposed Rule
Rule 1201Registration of Agricultural Diesel EnginesNotated ChangesProposed Rule
CAC Meetings

The District held two Community Advisory Council (CAC) meetings to discuss the draft revisions to District Rule 210, Fees.

Meeting Materials for February 15, 2024:  Memorandum | Attachment A – Summary of January Meeting | Attachment B – Additional Public Comment | Attachment C – Draft Rule 210 (2024-2 version) | Attachment D – Staff Report (2023-11 version)Presentation

Meeting Materials for January 10, 2024:  Memorandum | Draft Staff Report | Draft Rule 210 | Public Workshop Q&A | Written Public Comments | Presentation

Public Workshop

The District held a virtual public workshop on the proposed amendments to District Rule 210, Fees on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 10:00 AM.

Meeting Materials:   Draft Staff Report | Draft Rule 210 | Presentation | Public Notice

Reference Materials for the Workshop:  Rule 210 (2005 version)

Reference Materials from the October 2023 Board Hearing: Long-Range Fiscal Strategy & Matrix Fee StudyPresentation Slides | Video Clip of the Presentation (22 minutes)

MeetingBest Available Retrofit Control Technology (BARCT) for Gas Turbines and Associated Duct Burners
Board Hearing

On January 18, 2024, the District Board of Directors received an update on the Assembly Bill 617 BARCT Analysis for Gas Turbines and Associated Duct Burners. It was determined that a new rule was no longer required since the emission reduction goals of AB 617 were satisfied through the permit process.

Board Materials:  Board Package, Presentation

CAC Meeting

The District provided an update on the Assembly Bill 617 BARCT Analysis for Gas Turbines and Associated Duct Burners at a Community Advisory Council Meeting on Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 4:00 PM.

Meeting Materials:  Memo, Presentation

MeetingBest Available Retrofit Control Technology (BARCT) for Miscellaneous Combustion Units
Board Hearing

On October 19, 2023, the District Board of Directors received an update on the Assembly Bill 617 BARCT Analysis for Miscellaneous Combustion Units. It was determined that a new rule was no longer required since the emission reduction goals of AB 617 were satisfied through the permit process.

Board Materials:  Board Package, Presentation

CAC Meeting

The District provided an update on the Assembly Bill 617 BARCT Analysis for Miscellaneous Combustion Units at a Community Advisory Council Meeting on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 4:00 PM.

Meeting Materials: Memo, Presentation

MeetingBest Available Retrofit Control Technology (BARCT) for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
Board Hearing

On March 16, 2023, the District Board of Directors received an update on the Assembly Bill 617 BARCT Analysis for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines. It was determined that amendments to District Rule 333 were no longer required since the emission reduction goals of AB 617 were satisfied through the permit process.

Board Materials:  Board Packet, Presentation

CAC Meeting

The District provided an update on the Assembly Bill 617 BARCT Analysis for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines at a Community Advisory Council Meeting on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 4:00 PM.

Meeting Materials:  Memo, Presentation

MeetingBest Available Retrofit Control Technology (BARCT) for Particulate Matter (PM) Control Devices
Board Hearing

On June 16, 2022, the District Board of Directors received an update on the Assembly Bill 617 BARCT Analysis for PM Control Devices. It was determined that a full rule development proceeding (Draft Rule 363) was no longer required since the emission reduction goals of AB 617 were satisfied through the permit process.

Board Materials:  Board Packet, Presentation

CAC Meeting

The District provided an update on the Assembly Bill 617 BARCT Analysis for PM Control Devices at a Community Advisory Council Meeting on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 4:00 PM.

Meeting Materials:  Memo, Presentation

Public Workshop & CAC Meeting

The District held a joint public workshop and Community Advisory Council Meeting on the newly proposed draft Rule 363, Particulate Matter (PM) Control Devices, on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 4:00 PM.

Meeting Materials:  Draft Rule 363, Draft Staff Report, Presentation, Public Notice

MeetingRule 364, Refinery Fenceline and Community Air Monitoring
Board Hearing

On May 21, 2020, the District Board of Directors adopted Rule 364. The rule implements the requirements of Assembly Bill 1647 for all refineries within Santa Barbara County.

Board Materials:  Board Packet, Presentation, Public Notice

CAC Meetings

The District held two Community Advisory Council (CAC) meetings to discuss the newly proposed Rule 364, Refinery Fenceline and Community Air Monitoring.

CAC Meeting #2 Materials (February 26, 2020): CAC Memo, Proposed Rule 364 (clean), Staff Report, Rule 364 Refinery Fenceline Air Monitoring Guidelines, Response to CAC Comments, Presentation, Proposed Rule 364 (edit since January CAC)

CAC Meeting #1 Materials (January 22, 2020):  CAC Memo, Proposed Rule 364 (clean), Staff Report, Rule 364 Refinery Fenceline Air Monitoring Guidelines, Presentation, Proposed Rule 364 (edit since Workshop)

Public Workshop

The District held a public workshop on the newly proposed draft Rule 364, Refinery Fenceline and Community Air Monitoring, on Monday, December 16, 2019 at 10:30 AM at the APCD office, located at 260 North San Antonio Road, Suite A in Santa Barbara.

Workshop Materials:  Draft Rule 364, Rule 364 Refinery Fenceline Monitoring Plan Guidelines, Presentation, Public Notice

Reference Materials:  Assembly Bill 1647

  • Click here for CARB’s website on refinery air monitoring.
  • Click here for OEHHA website on refinery emissions and health effects.
MeetingRule 361, Boilers, Steam Generators and Process Heaters (Between 2-5 MMBtu/hr); and
Rule 342, Boilers, Steam Generators and Process Heaters (5 MMBtu/hr and greater)
Board Hearing

On June 20, 2019, the District Board of Directors amended Rules 361 and 342. The rule revisions require all newly installed and modified boilers to meet a lower oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission standard. The amendments also incorporate the Best Available Retrofit Control Technology (BARCT) provisions of AB 617 at the industrial sources.

Board Materials:
Board Packet with Staff Report, Presentation, Public Notice
Rule 361 (Clean), Rule 361 (Edited)
Rule 342 (Clean), Rule 342 (Edited)

CAC Meeting

The District held a Community Advisory Council (CAC) meeting to discuss the draft revisions to Rule 361 and Rule 342 on Wednesday, May 1st, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Solvang Veterans’ Memorial Building, located at 1745 Mission Dr in Solvang. The CAC recommended that the District Board adopt the revisions to Rules 361 and 342.

Meeting Materials:
Rule 361 (Clean), Rule 361 (Edited)
Rule 342 (Clean), Rule 342 (Edited)
CAC Memo, Presentation, Staff Report

Public Workshop

The District held a public workshop on the draft revisions to Rule 361 and Rule 342 on Thursday, March 14th, 2019 at 2:00 PM at the Solvang City Council Chambers, located at 1644 Oak Street in Solvang.

Workshop Materials:
Rule 361 (Clean), Rule 361 (Edited)
Rule 342 (Clean), Rule 342 (Edited)
Presentation, Public Notice

Reference Materials:
December 2018 – AB 617 BARCT Board Package, Board Presentation

MeetingRule 1304: Part 70 Operating Permits – Issuance, Renewal, Modification and Reopening
Board Hearing

On October 18, 2018, the District Board of Directors amended Rule 1304. The rule revisions modernize, enhance and improve the consistency in the public noticing provisions by using electronic notice (e-notice) and electronic access (e-access).

Board Materials:
Board Packet with Staff Report, Presentation, Rule 1304 (Clean), Rule 1304 (Edited), Public Notice

CAC Meeting

On January 11, 2018, the District met with the Community Advisory Council (CAC) to discuss the proposed amendments to Rule 1304. The draft rule revisions modernize, enhance and improve the consistency in the public noticing provisions that are codified in the District’s rulebook. At the meeting, the District obtained a CAC recommendation for the District Board of Directors to amend Rule 1304.

CAC Materials:
CAC Memo, PresentationStaff Report, Rule 1304 (Clean), Rule 1304 (Edited)

Reference Materials:

  • Click here for the federal register that documents EPA’s revisions to the public notice provisions.
  • Click here for EPA’s fact sheet on the public notice revisions.
  • Click here for the CAPCOA Title V Electronic Noticing Model Rule.
MeetingRule 360:  Boilers, Water Heaters, and Process Heaters (0.075 – 2 MMBtu/hr)
Board Hearing

On March 15, 2018, the District Board of Directors amended District Rule 360. Beginning on January 1, 2019, the rule revisions require all newly installed and modified natural gas units to meet the 20 ppm oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission standard.

Board Materials:
Board Packet with Staff Report, Presentation, Rule 360 (Clean), Rule 360 (Edited), Public Notice

CAC Meeting

On January 11, 2018, the District will meet with the Community Advisory Council (CAC) to discuss the proposed amendments to Rule 360. The draft rule revisions require all newly installed and modified natural gas units to meet a lower oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission standard. At the meeting, the District obtained a CAC recommendation for the District Board of Directors to amend Rule 360.

CAC Materials:
CAC Memo, Presentation, Staff Report, Rule 360 (Clean), Rule 360 (Edited)


The District held a public workshop on the draft revisions to Rule 360 on Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 3:00 PM at the Santa Barbara County APCD office.

MeetingRegulation VIII – New Source Review, and Other Associated Rules
Board Hearing

On August 25 2016, the Board of Directors amended Regulation VIII, New Source Review, and Other Associated Rules. These amendments were designed to update the District’s current New Source Review (NSR) permitting regulations to reflect recent regulatory mandates, and to simplify the permitting process while maintaining an equally stringent rule set.

Board Materials:
Board Letter, Presentation, Final Staff Report, Final EIR, Public Notice

CEQA documentation:
Notice of Preparation, Notice of Availability, Draft EIR

Rule 102DefinitionsNotated ChangesFinal Rule
Rule 105ApplicabilityNotated ChangesFinal Rule
Rule 202Exemptions to Rule 201Notated ChangesFinal Rule
Rule 204ApplicationsNotated ChangesFinal Rule
Rule 801New Source Review – Definitions and General RequirementsNotated ChangesFinal Rule
Rule 802New Source ReviewNotated ChangesFinal Rule
Rule 803Prevention of Significant DeteriorationNotated ChangesFinal Rule
Rule 804OffsetsNotated ChangesFinal Rule
Rule 805Air Quality Impact Analysis, Modeling, Monitoring, and Air Quality Increment ConsumptionNotated ChangesFinal Rule
Rule 806Emission Reduction CreditsNotated ChangesFinal Rule
Rule 809Federal Minor Source New Source ReviewN/AFinal Rule
Rule 1301Part 70 Operating Permits – General InformationNotated ChangesFinal Rule
CAC Meeting

On December 9, 2015, the District met with the Community Advisory Council (CAC) and obtained a CAC recommendation for the District Board of Directors to adopt the NSR amendments.

CAC Materials:
CAC Memo, Presentation, Staff Report,
PAR 102, PAR 105, PAR 202, PAR 204, PAR 801, PAR 802, PAR 803, PAR 804, PAR 805, PAR 806, PAR 809, PAR 1301


The District held two public workshops at the following times and locations:

  • Workshop #1: Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 10:00 AM – Santa Barbara County APCD
  • Workshop #2: Friday, September 18, 2015 at 10:30 AM – Santa Maria Public Library

Workshop Materials:
Presentation, Staff Report, Public Notice,
PAR 102, PAR 204, PAR 801, PAR 802, PAR 803, PAR 804, PAR 805, PAR 806, PAR 809, PAR 1301

Reference Materials:

  • Click here for the District’s ERC webpage
  • Click here for the CARB’s SB-288 webpage
  • Click here for the EPA’s PM2.5 webpage
  • Click here for the District’s Guidelines for Soil & Vegetation Analysis and Visibility Analysis
  • Click here for the listing of the Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS)
  • Click here for the District’s Environmental Review Guidelines
  • Click here for the District’s Clean Air Plan (CAP) webpage for the 2001 Federal Maintenance Plan and the 2013 CAP
  • Click here for a map of the Class I Impact Areas in Santa Barbara
MeetingRule 323.1 – Architectural Coatings
Board Hearing

On June 19, 2014, the Board of Directors adopted Rule 323.1. The adoption of Rule 323.1 was necessary to implement the California Air Resources Board’s 2007 Suggested Control Measure for Architectural Coatings and to fulfill a 2010 Clean Air Plan commitment.

Board Materials:  Board Package, Presentation, Public Notice

CAC Meeting

On May 14, 2014, the District met with the Community Advisory Council (CAC) and obtained a CAC recommendation for the District Board of Directors to adopt Rule 323.1.

CAC Materials:  CAC Memo, CAC Presentation, Draft Rule 323.1, Project Description Summary


On March 11, 2014, the District conducted a Public Workshop on proposed Rule 323.1, Architectural Coatings.

Workshop Materials:  Draft Rule 323.1, Project Description Summary, Presentation, Public Notice

Meeting Rule 810 – Federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)
Board Hearing

On June 20, 2013, the Board of Directors amended Rule 810.  The rule amendments were necessary to address EPA-identified deficiencies.

PAR 810, Board Package

CAC Meeting

On May 8, 2013, the District met with the Community Advisory Council (CAC) and obtained a CAC recommendation for the District Board of Directors to approve amendments to Rule 810.

PAR 810, Table of Changes

Meeting Rules 330, 337, 349, and 353 – Solvent Cleaning Provisions
Board Hearing

On June 21, 2012, the Board of Directors amended the following rules:

  1. Rule 102, Definitions,
  2. Rule 202, Exemptions to Rule 201,
  3. Rule 321, Solvent Cleaning Machines and Solvent Cleaning,
  4. Rule 330, Surface Coating of Metal Parts and Products,
  5. Rule 337, Surface Coating of Aerospace Vehicles Parts and Components,
  6. Rule 349, Polyester Resin Operations, and
  7. Rule 353, Adhesives and Sealants.

The amended rules added new solvent cleaning provisions in Rules 330, 337, 349, and 353. Slight modifications to Rules 102, 202, and 321 were also adopted. These changes were made to fulfill the requirement that the District adopts every feasible measure.

To aid stakeholders and the interested public, the following documents are available below:

The following were made available on May 16, 2012:

Background Paper, PAR 102, PAR 202, PAR 321, PAR 330, PAR 337, PAR 349, PAR 353,

CAC Meeting #2

On April 11, 2012, the District met with the Community Advisory Council (CAC) and obtained a CAC recommendation for the District Board of Directors to approve amendments to the solvent cleaning rules.

The following were made available on March 28, 2012:

CAC Memo, Background Paper, Summary of Significant Changes Made since Workshop

PAR 102, PAR 202, PAR 321, PAR 330, PAR 337, PAR 349, PAR 353

CAC Meeting #1 & Public Workshop

On August 10, 2011, the District conducted a joint Public Workshop and CAC meeting on the proposed amendments to the following:

  1. Rule 330, Surface Coating of Metal Parts and Products, and Rule 337, Surface Coating of Aircraft and Aerospace Vehicle Parts and Products; and
  2. Rule 349, Polyester Resin Operations, and Rule 353, Adhesives and Sealants.

After the public workshop, the CAC met to consider recommending that the Board of Directors adopt the proposed amended rules. Discussions indicated that the rules contained unclear language and suggested revisions were made. Hence, the CAC decided to continue the item.

The following were made available on July 27, 2011:  CAC Memo, Background Paper, PAR 102, PAR 202, PAR 330, PAR 337, PAR 349, PAR 353

The following were made available on July 7, 2011:  Public Notice, Background Paper, PAR 102, PAR 202, PAR 330, PAR 337, PAR 349, PAR 353

Scoping Workshop

On February 10, 2011, the District conducted two Public Scoping Workshops on proposed amendments to the following:

  1. Rule 330, Surface Coating of Metal Parts and Products, and Rule 337, Surface Coating of Aircraft and Aerospace Vehicle Parts and Products; and
  2. Rule 349, Polyester Resin Operations, and Rule 353, Adhesives and Sealants.

The proposed amendments in these rules add solvent cleaning provisions into each of the rules, similar to the recently amended Rule 321 (amended in 2010). Some existing reactive organic compound limits for coatings, adhesives, sealants, and/or polyester materials may also need amending pursuant to California Air Resources Board and/or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requirements.

Public Notice

 MeetingRule 352 – Natural Gas-Fired Fan-Type Central Furnaces and Small Water Heaters
Board Hearing

On October 20, 2011, the Board of Directors amended Rule 352. The amended rule reduced the small water heater’s oxides of nitrogen (NOx) limit of 55 parts per million by volume (ppm) to 15 ppm.

Board Package, PAR 352, Public Notice

CAC Meeting

On August 10, 2011, the Community Advisory Council (CAC) met to consider recommending that the Board of Directors adopt amendments to Rule 352. The rule lowered the small water heater’s oxides of nitrogen (NOx) limit to 15 ppm. After the briefing, the CAC passed a motion to recommend that the APCD Board approve the amendments.

CAC Memo, PAR 352

Rules 102 and 202 – Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Semiconductors Project
Board Hearing

On March 17, 2011, the Board of Directors amended Rule 102 (Definitions) and Rule 202 (Exemptions to Rule 201).  The amended rules implement the California Air Resources Board requirements for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from semiconductor operations and related devices that use fluorinated gases or fluorinated heat transfer fluids. Such operations include, but are not limited to, the processing of diodes, zeners, stacks, rectifiers, integrated microcircuits, transistors, solar cells, light-sensing devices, and light-emitting devices.

Board Package, PAR 102, PAR 202, Public Notice

CAC Meeting

On February 9, 2011, the Community Advisory Council (CAC) met to consider recommending that the Board of Directors adopt amendments to Rules 102 and 202.

CAC Memo, PAR 102, PAR 202

Public WorkshopOn October 28, 2010, the District conducted a Public workshop on proposed amendments to Rules 102 and 202.
Rules 102, 202, 370, 810, and 1301 – EPA GHG Tailoring Rule Project
Board Hearing

On January 20, 2011, the Board of Directors amended the following rules:

  1. Rule 102, Definitions
  2. Rule 202, Exemptions to Rule 201
  3. Rule 370, Potential to Emit – Limitations for Part 70 Sources
  4. Rule 1301, Part 70 Operating Permits – General Information
  5. New Rule 810, Federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)

The new and modified rules implement EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule requirements.

Board Package, Background Paper,
PAR 102, PAR 202, PAR 370, Proposed Rule 810, PAR 1301

CAC Meeting

On December 8, 2010, District staff provided a briefing to the Community Advisory Council and obtained a CAC recommendation that the Board adopt new Rule 810 and amendments to Rules 102, 201, 370, and 1301.

CAC Memo, Background Paper,
PAR 102, PAR 201, PAR 370, Proposed Rule 810, PAR 1301

MeetingRules 102, 202, and 321 – Solvent Cleaning Machines and Solvent Cleaning
Board Hearing

On September 20, 2010, the Board of Directors adopted amendments to Rules 102 (Definitions), 202 (Exemptions to Rule 201), and 321 (Solvent Cleaning Machines and Solvent Cleaning). This rulemaking action included:

  1. Adding more control techniques for solvent cleaning machines and new control techniques for general solvent cleaning.
  2. Amendments to the Rule 102 definition of “reactive organic compound” to incorporate most of the compounds classified as “exempt compounds” by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  In addition, some of the ROC-exempt compounds have a permitting threshold, as specified in Rule 202.D.10.
  3. Amendments to exemptions in Rule 202 to avoid requiring permits when using low-ROC solvents.

Board Package, Addendum Memo, Public Notice
Background Paper, PAR 102, PAR 202, PAR 321

CAC Meeting #2

On July 14, 2010, District staff provided a briefing to the Community Advisory Council and obtained a CAC recommendation that the Board adopt amendments to Rules 102, 202, and 321.

The District made these documents available on May 13, 2010:
CAC Memo, Background Paper, Proposed Amended Rules

The District made these documents available on June 30, 2010:
CAC Memo, Background Paper, Proposed Amended Rules

CAC Meeting #1

On September 23, 2009, the District provided a briefing to the Community Advisory Council and asked for recommendations on two key aspects of the Rule 321 project:

  1. Should the District make Rule 321 applicable to solvents containing a toxic air contaminant in excess of two percent?
  2. Should the Rule 202 exemption text and the Rule 321 “general solvent use” limit indicate 25 or 50 grams of reactive organic compounds (ROC) per liter?

CAC Memo

Public Workshop

On June 25, 2009, a public workshop was held to present, discuss, and receive comments on the proposed amendments to Rule 321.

Background Paper, Draft Proposed Rules

MeetingRule 901 – New Source Performance Standards, and a Negative Declaration in Lieu of Rules
Board Hearing

On September 20, 2010, the Board of Directors amended Rule 901 and adopted a Negative Declaration in Lieu of Rules. This action included:

  1. Amendments to Rule 901 to incorporate by reference all of the federal 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 60, Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
  2. Adoption of a Negative Declaration in Lieu of Rules to indicate that the District has no sources in its jurisdiction subject to various New Source Performance Standards.

Rule 901 Board Package and Neg Dec Board Package, Public Notice

Project Description Summary for Rule 901, PAR 901
Project Description Summary for Neg Dec, Negative Declaration in Lieu of Rules

CAC Meeting

On July 14, 2010, District staff provided a briefing to the Community Advisory Council and obtained a CAC recommendation that the Board adopt amendments to Rule 901 and adopt a Negative Declaration in Lieu of Rules.

CAC Memo
Project Description Summary for Rule 901, PAR 901
Project Description Summary for Neg Dec, Negative Declaration in Lieu of Rules

Meeting Repeal of Rule 334 – Hexavalent Chromium Emissions from Chrome Plating and Chromic Acid Anodizing
Board HearingOn September 20, 2010, the Board of Directors repealed Rule 334. The District repealed Rule 334 because the state’s Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) has stricter requirements than those found in Rule 334. The California ATCM provisions for this source category are found in the California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Sections 93102 – 93102.16.
Meeting Rule 345 – Control of Fugitive Dust from Construction and Demolition Activities
Board Hearing

On January 21, 2010, the Board of Directors adopted new Rule 345. This rule fulfills the requirements of Senate Bill 656. Although dust mitigation measures are already recommended or required for construction and demolition projects through other programs (e.g., California Environmental Quality Act, California Storm Water Control Regulations, etc.), these measures are not enforceable by the District. Adoption and implementation of Rule 345 gives District staff the ability to enforce dust mitigation measures that reduce PM or dust from construction and demolition sites.

Board Package, Proposed Rule 345

CAC Meeting and Workshop

On October 28, 2009, the District conducted a joint Public Workshop and CAC meeting on the proposed Rule 345.

Proposed Rule 345

MeetingRegulation XI – Public Notification
Board Hearing

On January 21, 2010, the Board of Directors amended Rules 1101 – 1105, collectively known as Regulation XI. The District found that with the advent of electronic media and changes in Air Quality Standards since Regulation XI was first adopted in 1980, it was necessary to update the regulation to reflect current practices and standards.

Board Package, PAR 1101 – 1105

CAC Meeting

On October 28, 2009, the District briefed the Community Advisory Council on the project and obtained a CAC recommendation that the Board adopt the amendments to Rules 1101 – 1105.

PAR 1101-1105

Meeting Rule 316 – Storage and Transfer of Gasoline, and Rule 102, Definitions
Board Hearing

On January 15, 2009, the Board of Directors amended Rules 102 (Definitions) and 316 (Storage and Transfer of Gasoline). This rulemaking action included adding two exemptions to allow vehicle refueling without a Phase II vapor recovery system provided:

  1. the product dispensed is E85 (an ethanol-gasoline blend), or
  2. the station is a qualifying non-retail gasoline dispensing facility dedicated to refueling only motor vehicles equipped with onboard refueling vapor recovery systems.

Board Package, Background Paper, PAR 102, PAR 316

Meeting Rules 102, 201, 202, and 333 – Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
Board Hearing

On June 19, 2008, the Board of Directors amended Rules 102, 202, and 333.Certain types of portable construction equipment, including air compressors, generators, concrete pumps, abrasive blasting equipment, pile drivers, welders, cranes and construction drill rigs are no longer exempt from permits as a result of this rulemaking action.Effective September 18, 2008, portable construction engines rated 50 brake horsepower (bhp) and above that are operated in Santa Barbara County are required to be either: 1) registered in the statewide portable equipment registration program, or 2) permitted by the District.

Board PackageStaff Report,
PAR 102
, PAR 201, PAR 202, PAR 333

CAC Meeting

On April 23, 2008, the District met with the Community Advisory Council and briefed them on the project to amend Rule 333 and other rules relative to permitting internal combustion engines. The emission limits in Rule 333 were amended to address ARB and EPA requirements. Also, under the amended Rules 102 and 202, certain types of portable construction equipment, including air compressors, generators, concrete pumps, abrasive blasting equipment, pile drivers, welders, cranes and construction drill rigs will no longer be exempt from permits.After the briefing, the Community Advisory Council passed a motion to recommend that the Board approve amended Rules 102, 201, 202, and 333.

CAC Memo, Background Paper, Frequently Asked Questions

PAR 102, PAR 201, PAR 202, PAR 333

Meeting Rule 339 – Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Coating
Board Hearing

On June 19, 2008, the Board of Directors amended Rule 339. Rule 339 was revised to include the CARB Suggested Control Measure for Automotive Coatings. This revised rule affects all automotive refinishing shops and mobile equipment coating operations located in Santa Barbara County. The revised rule:

  1. reduces the amount of allowable volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the coatings;
  2. reduces the VOC limits to a maximum of 25 g/L for solvents used in association with painting; and
  3. includes an exemption for pre-sanding solvent to remove grease, wax, and road tar. This exemption includes a limit of 20 gallons per year per facility.

Board Package, PAR 339

Meeting Rules 202 and 361 – Small Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters
Board Hearing

On January 17, 2008, the Board of Directors adopted new Rule 361 and amended Rule 202. The new rule controls emissions from combustion equipment in the range of 2 MMBtu/hr to 5 MMBtu/hr. The permitting threshold for there units was also lowered from 5 MMBtu/hr to 2 MMBtu/hr. This rulemaking action was consistent with a commitment made in the 2007 Clean Air Plan.

Board Package, PAR 202, PAR 361

Meeting Rule 213 – Fees for Registration Programs
Board HearingOn October 18, 2007, the Board of Directors adopted new Rule 213. This new rule establishes a registration fee and registration renewal fee for each engine subject to Rule 1201, Registration of Agricultural Diesel Engines.
Board Package, Proposed Rule 213
Meeting Rule 1201 – Registration of Agricultural Diesel Engines
Board HearingOn August 16, 2007, the Board of Directors adopted new Rule 1201. This new rule applies to agricultural operators that use diesel engines rated at 50 brake horsepower and greater. Rule 1201 implements the State Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) for stationary compression-ignition engines (California Code of Regulations §93115). The ATCM has significant requirements for both existing and new diesel engines used in agricultural processes, including a requirement that all applicable engines are registered with their local air district.
Board Package, 
Proposed Rule 1201