Point Arguello Companies Partnership – The Point Arguello Project

Platforms Harvest, Hidalgo, and Hermosa lie about ten miles southwest of Point Arguello.  Oil and natural gas are separated and treated on each platform, then the oil from Harvest and Hidalgo is sent by pipeline to Hermosa.  From Hermosa, the oil is shipped onshore to the Gaviota Oil Heating Facility.  The natural gas is used on each platform for fuel or reinjected.  At the Gaviota Oil Heating Facility, the oil is heated then shipped off-site by pipeline.

Operating Permits

The Part 70 Permits below are due for renewal 7/1/2027.

Gaviota Oil Heating Facility Title V Operating Permit
Platform Harvest Title V Operating Permit
Platform Hermosa Title V Operating Permit
Platform Hidalgo Title V Operating Permit

Draft Permits

November 4, 2022:

Draft Permit Pt 70 9103-R6

Draft Permit Pt 70 9104-R6

Draft Permit Pt 70 9105-R6

Draft Permit Pt 70 15455-R1


Public Notices

November 4, 2022 Public Notice