The 2024 Clean Air Grants Program is closed. Please contact to be added to the email notification list to stay updated about future grant programs.
2024 Clean Air Grants for Off-Road Equipment Replacement
Replace your off-road equipment and help reduce air pollution. Successful projects will be eligible to receive a grant within a range from $10,000 to $250,000.
- Emission reductions from the project must be surplus to any rule or regulation.
- Priority will be given to zero-emission technology projects, along with projects located within low-income and disadvantaged communities, as defined by this map:
- The District has discretion on how grants funds are distributed.
Eligible Equipment:
- Off-road equipment: diesel powered tractors, dozers, forklifts, loaders, excavators, scrapers, agricultural utility terrain vehicles, ground support equipment, etc.
Project Requirements:
- Applications are limited to one (1) grant project per Company, LLC, Taxpayer ID, etc. with final determination at the District’s discretion.
- Must be a diesel fueled engine greater than or equal to 20 horsepower (<25hp must be for new electric).
- Equipment must have a functional hour meter.
- Existing equipment must be operational, and verified as such by the District at a pre-inspection, and in-service at the time of application.
- During the last 24 months, the equipment must have operated 100% of the time in Santa Barbara County. Newly funded projects must also operate 100% of the time in Santa Barbara County. Exceptions will be determined by the District on a case-by-case basis.
- Replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent and the same job as the existing equipment.
- Auxiliary engines on mobile equipment and portable engines are ineligible for grant funds.
- Projects must meet cost-effectiveness thresholds established in the most recent Carl Moyer Program Guidelines.
How to Apply:
- Determine your off-road equipment’s eligibility for this program. To be eligible for funds, projects must meet the criteria located in CARB’s most recent Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5, FARMER Guidelines, and Community Air Projection Project Guidelines.
- Gather the required information regarding the existing off-road equipment.
- Apply for grant funds in person, by mail, or email.
Please see application on the right for more information.
2024 Application – Click Here
Program opens Monday, July 29, 2024
Program closes Friday, September 6, 2024
Contact us via email:
This program is part of our 2024 Clean Air Grants Program funded by California Air Resources Board’s Carl Moyer Program, Community Air Protection Program, Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions Program (FARMER), and DMV surcharge revenue. For more information, see 2024 Clean Air Grants.