
Our Mission

To service and maintain the financial, purchasing, information technology, fleet and risk management needs of the District’s divisions in a manner that is fiscally responsible and responsive to their needs.


For questions or information, please call (805) 979-8050.


The District’s annual budget is built to ensure continued mission success and continued progress towards our vision, Clean Air.

Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 40131, two public hearings are held each budget cycle to allow the public the opportunity to comment on the proposed budget prior to adoption by the Board of Directors. The Santa Barbara County APCD fiscal year (FY) begins July 1st and ends June 30th. Budget public hearings are typically held during the monthly board meetings in May and June. See below for budget documents from past fiscal years.

Proposed Fiscal Year 2025-26 Budget

The Proposed FY 2025-26 Budget is now available:

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report of the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District is mandated by Sections 25250 and 25253 of the Government Code of the State of California. These statutes require that the District issue annually a report of its financial position and activity, and that the report be audited by an independent firm of certified accountants.

Fiscal Year 2023-24 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

The Fiscal Year 2023-24 Report is available here: