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Clerk of the APCD
260 North San Antonio Road, Suite A
Santa Barbara. CA 93110
(805) 979-8282
The Executive Committee is a standing committee which consists of the Chair and at least two additional members of the Board of Directors. Appointments are made at the beginning of each calendar year.
The purpose of the Executive Committee is to provide review and input to staff and the full Board on certain complex and time-sensitive issues that may arise between Board meetings. The committee may also prepare the Control Officer’s performance evaluation and provide input on other personnel issues such as employee negotiations and salary surveys. While the Executive Committee may review and provide input to staff on these subjects, final decisions are made by the full Board. The Executive Committee meets on an as-needed basis. The resolution establishing the committee can be found here.
Persons may address the Executive Committee on any matter listed on the agenda by submitting a speaker slip to the Chair. Matters not listed on the agenda may be addressed at the public comment period at the beginning of the meeting. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting should contact the Santa Barbara County APCD at least three working days prior to the scheduled meeting.
The next meeting date and agenda will be posted below when available. For more information, call the APCD Board Clerk at 979-8282.
2024 Representatives: Laura Capps, Ariston Julian, and Alice Patino