Electric Off-Road Equipment Demonstration Event in Santa Maria

August 14, 2024

En Español

Aeron Arlin Genet, Air Pollution Control Officer, (805) 979-8282

Electric Off-Road Equipment Demonstration Event in Santa Maria
APCD Co-hosting Free Event for Operators of Tractors, Utility Task Vehicle, Forklifts, Excavators & Dumpsters

SANTA MARIA, Calif. — Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) is excited to announce a free electric off-road equipment demonstration event:

WHEN: Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 10AM to 1PM

WHERE: Allan Hancock College – South Campus Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) Track,  1300 South College Drive, Santa Maria, CA 93454

The event is co-hosted with Allan Hancock College, Central Coast Clean Cities Coalition (C5), Central Coast Community Energy (3CE), Monarch Tractor, Orbital Electric Systems, Berchtold Equipment, and Central California Power. Users of off-road equipment (tractors, utility task vehicles (UTVs), forklifts, excavators, dumpsters, etc.) are encouraged to attend to see all-electric equipment in action and learn how to apply for funding to support the transition to zero emissions!

Attendees will have the opportunity to experience a variety of electric equipment including Monarch Tractor’s MK-V tractor, Orbital’s Rev 1 UTV, a forklift and dumpster from Central California Power, and an excavator and UTV from Berchtold Equipment – which are eligible to receive funding under the APCD’s Clean Air Grants for Off-Road Equipment program.

Representatives from 3CE will be available to answers questions about available rebates for replacement projects with all-electric agricultural equipment under the Ag Electrification Program.

APCD staff will be in attendance to provide applications and offer more information about the funding opportunities available under the following programs:

  • 2024 Clean Air Grant (Application Deadline – September 6, 2024)
    • Off-Road Program: $10,000 – $250,000 grants available for replacement projects for electric- or diesel-powered tractors, dozers, forklifts, loaders, excavators, scrapers, agricultural UTVs, ground support equipment, etc.
    • Infrastructure Program: $10,000 – $250,000 grants available for EV battery charging stations or portable power projects
  • Landscape Equipment Electrification Fund (Vouchers available on first-come, first-served basis)
    • The LEEF incentive program is available to businesses, public agencies, nonprofit organizations, and schools who trade in gasoline landscape equipment and purchase electric-powered equipment.
    • Eligible organizations can receive incentives up to the following for each trade-in:
      • $700 for chainsaws, trimmers, edgers, and brushcutters;
      • $1,400 for leaf blowers and vacuums;
      • $1,500 for walk-behind lawn mowers; and
      • $15,000 for ride-on and stand/sit mowers.

Please register for the demo event here. The first 100 to register will receive a free lunch ticket upon arrival at the event.

For details on the Clean Air Grant and LEEF programs, and links to application materials, visit: https://www.ourair.org/planning-grants/

Questions? Email: grants@sbcapcd.org