Please see the table below for the currently adopted rules of the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District.
Rules and Regulations | Adopted/ Last Amended | ||
Cover Pages | cover.pdf | – | |
Table of Contents | contents.pdf | 8/15/2024 | |
Regulation I: General Provisions | |||
Rule 101 | Compliance by Existing Installations: Conflicts | Rule101.pdf | 6/1981 |
Rule 102 | Definitions | Rule102.pdf | 8/25/2016 |
Rule 103 | Severability | Rule103.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 104 | Agricultural Burning | Rule104.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 105 | Applicability | Rule105.pdf | 8/25/2016 |
Rule 107 | Emergencies | Rule107.pdf | 4/19/2001 |
Regulation II: Permits | |||
Rule 201 | Permits Required | Rule201.pdf | 6/19/2008 |
Rule 202 | Exemptions to Rule 201 | Rule202.pdf | 8/25/2016 |
Rule 203 | Transfer | Rule203.pdf | 5/16/2024 |
Rule 204 | Applications | Rule204.pdf | 8/25/2016 |
Rule 205 | Standards for Granting Permits | Rule205.pdf | 4/17/1997 |
Rule 206 | Conditional Approval of Authority to Construct or Permit to Operate | Rule206.pdf | 10/15/1991 |
Rule 207 | Denial of Applications | Rule207.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 208 | Action on Applications – Time Limits | Rule208.pdf | 4/17/1997 |
Rule 209 | Appeals | Rule209.pdf | 1/18/2001 |
FEES | Fiscal Year 2024-2025, Rule 210 – Current Fee Schedule | cpi-fees.pdf | 7/1/2024 |
Rule 210 | Fees | Rule210.pdf | 5/16/2024 |
Rule 212 | Emission Statements | Rule212.pdf | 10/20/1992 |
Regulation III: Prohibitions | |||
Rule 301 | Circumvention | Rule301.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 302 | Visible Emissions | Rule302.pdf | 6/1981 |
Rule 303 | Nuisance | Rule303.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 304 | Particulate Matter – Northern Zone | Rule304.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 305 | Particulate Matter – Southern Zone | Rule305.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 306 | Dust and Fumes – Northern Zone | Rule306.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 307 | Particulate Matter Emission Weight Rate – Southern Zone | Rule307.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 308 | Incinerator Burning | Rule308.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 309 | Specific Contaminants | Rule309.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 310 | Odorous Organic Sulfides | Rule310.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 311 | Sulfur Content of Fuels | Rule311.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 312 | Open Fires | Rule312.pdf | 10/2/1990 |
Rule 313 | Fires Set Under Public Authority | Rule313.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 314 | Reduction of Animal Matter | Rule314.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 315 | Gasoline Specifications | Rule315.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 316 | Storage and Transfer of Gasoline | Rule316.pdf | 1/15/2009 |
Rule 317 | Organic Solvents | Rule317.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 318 | Vacuum Producing Devices or Systems – Southern Zone | Rule318.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 319 | Asphalt Air Blowing – Southern Zone | Rule319.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 320 | Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners | Rule320.pdf | 6/11/1979 |
Rule 321 | Solvent Cleaning Operations | Rule321.pdf | 6/21/2012 |
Rule 322 | Metal Surface Coating Thinner and Reducer | Rule322.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 323 | Architectural Coatings | Rule323.pdf | 11/15/2001 |
Rule 323.1 | Architectural Coatings | Rule 323.1.pdf | 6/19/2014 |
Rule 324 | Disposal and Evaporation of Solvents | Rule324.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 325 | Crude Oil Production and Separation | Rule325.pdf | 7/19/2001 |
Rule 326 | Storage of Reactive Organic Compound Liquids | Rule326.pdf | 1/18/2001 |
Rule 327 | Organic Liquid Cargo Tank Vessel Loading | Rule327.pdf | 12/16/1985 |
Rule 328 | Continuous Emission Monitoring | Rule328.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 329 | Cutback and Emulsified Asphalt Paving Materials | Rule329.pdf | 2/25/1992 |
Rule 330 | Surface Coating of Metal Parts and Products | Rule330.pdf | 6/21/2012 |
Rule 331 | Fugitive Emissions Inspection and Maintenance | Rule331.pdf | 12/10/1991 |
Rule 332 | Petroleum Refinery Vacuum Producing Systems, Wastewater Separators and Process Turnarounds | Rule332.pdf | 6/11/1979 |
Rule 333 | Control of Emissions from Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines | Rule333.pdf | 6/19/2008 |
Rule 335 | Control of Hexavalent Chromium in Cooling Towers | Rule335.pdf | 1/9/1990 |
Rule 336 | Control of Ethylene Oxide Emissions | Rule336.pdf | 12/12/1989 |
Rule 337 | Surface Coating of Aerospace Vehicles and Components | Rule337.pdf | 6/21/2012 |
Rule 339 | Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Coating Operations | Rule339.pdf | 6/19/2008 |
Rule 340 | Control of Dioxins from Medical Waste Incinerators | Rule340.pdf | 9/10/1991 |
Rule 341 | Municipal Solid Waste Landfills | Rule341.pdf | 9/18/1997 |
Rule 342 | Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (5 MMBtu/hr and greater) | Rule342.pdf | 5/16/2024 |
Rule 343 | Petroleum Storage Tank Degassing | Rule343.pdf | 12/14/1993 |
Rule 344 | Petroleum Sumps, Pits and Well Cellars | Rule344.pdf | 11/10/1994 |
Rule 345 | Control of Fugitive Dust from Construction and Demolition Activities | Rule345.pdf | 1/21/2010 |
Rule 346 | Loading of Organic Liquid Cargo Vessels | Rule346.pdf | 1/18/2001 |
Rule 349 | Polyester Resin Operations | Rule349.pdf | 6/21/2012 |
Rule 351 | Surface Coating of Wood Products | Rule351.pdf | 8/20/1998 |
Rule 352 | Natural Gas-Fired Fan-Type Central Furnaces and Small Water Heaters | Rule352.pdf | 10/20/2011 |
Rule 353 | Adhesives and Sealants | Rule353.pdf | 6/21/2012 |
Rule 354 | Graphic Arts | Rule354.pdf | 6/28/1994 |
Rule 359 | Flares and Thermal Oxidizers | Rule359.pdf | 5/16/2024 |
Rule 360 | Boilers, Water Heaters, and Process Heaters (0.075 – 2 MMBtu/hr) | Rule360.pdf | 3/15/2018 |
Rule 361 | Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (Between 2 – 5 MMBtu/hr) | Rule361.pdf | 5/16/2024 |
Rule 364 | Refinery Fenceline and Community Air Monitoring | Rule364.pdf & Guidelines | 5/16/2024 |
Rule 370 | Potential to Emit — Limitations for Part 70 Sources | Rule370.pdf | 5/16/2024 |
Regulation IV: Agricultural Burning | |||
Rule 401 | Agricultural and Prescribed Burning | Rule401.pdf | 5/16/2002 |
Rule 402 | Enforcement | Rule402.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 403 | Burning Permit for Non-Burning Days: Report Requirements | Rule403.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Regulation V: Hearing Board | |||
Rule 501 | General | Rule501.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 502 | Filing Petitions | Rule502.pdf | 5/16/2024 |
Rule 503 | Contents of Petitions | Rule503.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 504 | Petitions for Variances: Contents | Rule504.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 505 | Breakdown Conditions | Rule505.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 506 | Emergency Variances for Breakdowns | Rule506.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 507 | Appeal from Denial | Rule507.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 508 | Failure to Comply with Rules | Rule508.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 509 | Petition Response – (APCD Requirements) | Rule509.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 510 | Withdrawal of Petition | Rule510.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 511 | Place of Hearing | Rule511.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 512 | Notice of Hearing | Rule512.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 513 | Evidence | Rule513.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 514 | Preliminary Matters | Rule514.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 515 | Official Notice | Rule515.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 516 | Continuances | Rule516.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 517 | Decision | Rule517.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 518 | Effective Date of Decision | Rule518.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Rule 519 | Lack of Permit | Rule519.pdf | 10/23/1978 |
Regulation VI: Emergencies | |||
Rule 601 | General | Rule601.pdf | 6/15/1981 |
Rule 602 | Episodes/Disasters | Rule602.pdf | 6/15/1981 |
Rule 603 | Emergency Episode Plans | Rule603.pdf | 6/15/1981 |
Rule 604 | Source Inspection | Rule604.pdf | 6/15/1981 |
Rule 605 | Enforcement | Rule605.pdf | 6/15/1981 |
Rule 606 | Communication Network | Rule606.pdf | 6/15/1981 |
Rule 607 | Air Monitoring Stations | Rule607.pdf | 6/15/1981 |
Rule 608 | Air Monitoring Summaries | Rule608.pdf | 6/15/1981 |
Rule 609 | Interdistrict Coordination | Rule609.pdf | 6/15/1981 |
Regulation VII: Conformity | |||
Rule 701 | Transportation Conformity | Rule701.pdf | 10/15/1998 |
Rule 702 | General Conformity | Rule702.pdf | 10/20/1994 |
Regulation VIII: New Source Review | |||
Rule 801 | New Source Review – Definitions and General Requirements | Rule801.pdf | 8/25/2016 |
Rule 802 | New Source Review | Rule802.pdf | 8/25/2016 |
Rule 804 | Offsets | Rule804.pdf | 8/25/2016 |
Rule 805 | Air Quality Impact Analysis, Modeling, Monitoring, and Air Quality Increment Consumption | Rule805.pdf | 8/25/2016 |
Rule 806 | Emission Reduction Credits | Rule806.pdf | 5/16/2024 |
Rule 808 | New Source Review for Major Sources of Hazardous Air Pollutants | Rule808.pdf | 5/20/1999 |
Rule 809 | Federal Minor Source New Source Review | Rule809.pdf | 8/25/2016 |
Rule 810 | Federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) | Rule810.pdf | 6/20/2013 |
Regulation IX: New Source Performance Standards | |||
Rule 901 | New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) | Rule901.pdf | 9/20/2010 |
Rule 903 | Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Regulations | Rule903.pdf | 11/10/1992 |
Regulation X: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants | |||
Rule 1001 | National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) | Rule1001.pdf | 10/26/1993 |
Regulation XI: Public Notification | |||
Rule 1101 | General | Rule1101.pdf | 1/21/2010 |
Rule 1102 | Daily Reporting of Air Quality | Rule1102.pdf | 1/21/2010 |
Rule 1103 | Annual Reporting | Rule1103.pdf | 1/21/2010 |
Rule 1104 | Health Effects | Rule1104.pdf | 1/21/2010 |
Rule 1105 | Public Awareness and Involvement | Rule1105.pdf | 1/21/2010 |
Regulation XII: Registration Programs | |||
Rule 1201 | Registration of Agricultural Diesel Engines | Rule1201.pdf | 5/16/2024 |
Regulation XIII: Part 70 Operating Permit Program | |||
Rule 1301 | General Information | Rule1301.pdf | 8/15/2024 |
Rule 1302 | Permit Application | Rule1302.pdf | 8/15/2024 |
Rule 1303 | Permits | Rule1303.pdf | 8/15/2024 |
Rule 1304 | Issuance, Renewal, Modification and Reopening | Rule1304.pdf | 10/18/2018 |
Rule 1305 | Enforcement | Rule1305.pdf | 11/9/1993 |
The following is not a District-adopted rule. The memorandum provides information on State Airborne Toxic Control Measures (ATCMs) and how the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District implements them. | |||
ATCM-MACT Memorandum | atcm-mact.pdf | 1/15/2009 |
Repealed Rules and Regulations | Repeal Date | ||
Rule 106 | Notice to Comply (repealed) | Rule106.pdf | 1/1/2001 |
Rule 211 | Technical Reports – Charges For (repealed) | Rule211.pdf | 5/16/2024 |
Rule 213 | Fees for Registration Programs (repealed) | Rule 213.pdf | 5/16/2024 |
Rule 334 | Control of Hexavalent Chromium Emissions from Chrome Plating and Chromic Acid Anodizing (repealed) | Rule334.pdf | 9/20/2010 |
Rule 338 | Control of Asbestos Containing Serpentine Rock in Surfacing Operations (repealed) | Rule338.pdf | 3/20/2003 |
Rule 803 | Prevention of Significant Deterioration (repealed) | Rule803.pdf | 8/25/2016 |
Download the Entire Rulebook:
Click here to download the entire rulebook as a zip file.
Individual rules are available in the Adobe PDF files, as listed above.
Other Related Webpages:
- For information on prior rule development projects, see Rule History.
- For information on active rule development projects, see Rules Currently Under Development.
- Airborne Toxic Control Measures incorporated into local rules
- Compliance Forms (including Asbestos and Annual Report forms)
You may also visit this page on the California Air Resources Board website to access the District’s rulebook and the rules of all other California air districts. Please note that there may be a delay between the approval of a new, amended, or repealed rule and its availability on the CARB web page.
For more information on rule development projects, call the Rules Section at (805) 979-8050 or e-mail
For questions on rule applicability or rule interpretations, call the Engineering Division at (805) 979-8050 or e-mail