Community Advisory Council Agenda – October 2014

October 29, 2014

I.        6:30 p.m. – Convene     (Agenda);     (Special Meeting Notice)

II.      Roll Call

III.     Public Comment Period

IV.     Approval of Minutes of the May 14, 2014 meeting 

V.       Organization of Agenda and Declaration of Interests

VI.     APCO Report

VII.    New Business

A.    Elect a member of the Community Advisory Council to serve as Vice-Chair.

B.    View a four-and-a-half minute GoPro video on “A Day in the Life of Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District”.     (see staff memo)

C.    Receive an update on the vessel speed reduction trial.     (see staff memo)

D.    Discuss and consider recommending that the APCD Board of Directors adopt the 2013 Clean Air Plan.     (see staff memo)

VIII.    Adjourn