Community Advisory Council Agenda – November 2018

November 7, 2018

Agenda (pdf)

I.                 6:30 p.m. – Convene – Concurrent with Public Workshop

II.                Roll Call

III.              Public Comment Period – Persons desiring to address the CAC on any subject within the jurisdiction of the CAC not included as part of the agenda may do so at this time.

IV.              Approval of Minutes of the January 11, 2018 meeting

V.               Organization of Agenda and Declaration of Interests

VI.              APCO Report

VII.            New Business

A.     Discuss and consider the Assembly Bill (AB) 617 Best Available Retrofit Control Technology (BARCT) Implementation Schedule as follows:
(See Memo and Staff Report [updated 10/24/18 to notate as “draft”])
(See Presentation)

i.     Concurrent with public workshop, receive presentation on the District’s proposed AB 617 BARCT Implementation Schedule;

ii.     Receive public comment on the proposed AB 617 BARCT Implementation Schedule;

iii.     Close public workshop;

iv.     Discuss and consider public comments and the proposed AB 617 BARCT Implementation Schedule presented in the staff report; and

v.     Discuss and consider recommending that the District Board of Directors adopt the proposed AB 617 BARCT Implementation Schedule.

VIII.           Adjourn