Community Advisory Council Agenda – December 2015

December 9, 2015

I.              6:30 p.m. – Convene  (Agenda)

II.            Roll Call

III.           Public Comment Period – Persons desiring to address the CAC on any subject within the jurisdiction of the CAC not included as part of the agenda may do so at this time.

IV.           Approval of Minutes of the October 14, 2015 meeting

V.            Organization of Agenda and Declaration of Interests

VI.           APCO Report

VII.         New Business

A.    Discuss and consider recommending that the APCD Board of Directors adopt amendments to the New Source Review Program as follows:     (see memoNSR Staff Report/draft rules, and presentation)   (Additional information about rules under development can be found on our Rules webpage)

1.     Amended Rule 102, Definitions
2.     Amended Rule 105, Applicability
3.     Amended Rule 202, Exemptions to Rule 201
4.     Amended Rule 204, Applications
5.     Amended Rule 801, New Source Review – Definitions and General Requirements
6.     Amended Rule 802, New Source Review
7.     Repeal of Rule 803, Prevention of Significant Deterioration
8.     Amended Rule 804, Offsets
9.     Amended Rule 805, Air Quality Impact Analysis, Modeling, Monitoring, and Air Quality Increment Consumption
10.   Amended Rule 806, New Source Review – Emission Reduction Credits
11.    Proposed Rule 809, Federal Minor Source New Source Review
12.   Amended Rule 1301, Part 70 Operating Permits – General Information

VIII.        Adjourn