Public Notices

Notice of Public Review and Comment Opportunity

Price Management, which operates Turnpike Shell and Fuel Depot located at 175 and 250 N Turnpike Road in Santa Barbara, has applied to the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) for permits to install and operate two (2) portable diesel-fired emergency standby generators at various fueling stations in Santa Barbara County during emergency events. Two of the proposed fueling stations, Turnpike Shell and the Fuel Depot, have property boundaries that are within 1,000 feet of the property boundary of San Marcos High School, located at 4750 Hollister Ave in Santa Barbara.


Notice of Public Review and Request for Comments

The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) has prepared an annual air monitoring network plan for the county. The plan includes a statement of the purpose for each air monitor, and evidence that the siting and operation of each monitor meets the requirements of the federal regulations.


Notice of Public Hearing

General Project Description:  Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) will hold a public hearing at the time and location listed above to accept comments and consider adoption of the proposed District Rule 364.


Notice of Public Review and Comment Opportunity

TRAK Environmental Group, Inc. and Ecotech Environmental Corp. have applied to the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) for a permit to operate a High Vacuum Dual Phase Extraction (HVDPE) system with carbon adsorption controls to remediate contaminated soil at a former printer processing facility located at 526 Laguna Street in Santa Barbara. The location of the project is within 1,000 feet of the property boundary of La Cuesta High School and Alta Vista Alternative High School, both located at 710 Santa Barbara Street in Santa Barbara.


Budget Workshop and Public Hearings

The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) will hold a virtual public workshop and two public hearings on the proposed budget for fiscal year 2020-21. A copy of the proposed budget is available for review below.


Notice of Public Review and Comment Opportunity

Chevron Environmental Management Company has applied to the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) for a permit to excavate and remove approximately 5,000 cubic yards of soil contaminated by remnant oilfield road materials located at 2033 South Blosser Road in Santa Maria.  Excavated material will be loaded on trucks for transportation offsite to a State‑approved disposal facility.  The project site is within 1,320 feet of the property boundary of Roberto and Dr. Francisco Jiménez Elementary School, located at 1970 Biscayne Street, and Liberty Elementary School, located at 1300 Sonya Lane in Santa Maria.


Public Notice

State law (Health and Safety Code Section 40923) requires the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) to publish a list of regulatory measures scheduled for consideration each year. These regulatory measures, or rules and regulations, are adopted in order to reduce air pollution in Santa Barbara County. Air quality rules and regulations that may be adopted or amended during 2020 are listed below. Other measures may be proposed for adoption per the criteria specified in Section 40923 of the Health and Safety Code. Before the adoption or amendment or any regulatory measure, the District publishes a notice in a local newspaper and holds a public hearing to accept comments from affected businesses and other interested parties.


Notice of Public Review and Comment Opportunity

ES Engineering Services, LLC. has applied to the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) for a permit to install and operate a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) system with thermal oxidizer controls to remediate contaminated soil at a former gasoline service station located at 901 North H Street in Lompoc.  The location of the project is within 1,000 feet of the property boundary of Olive Grove Charter School, located at 820 North H Street in Lompoc.


Notice of Public Review and Request for Comments

The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) has made a preliminary decision to approve emission reduction credits for E&B Natural Resources Management Corporation (E&B). An emission reduction credit is earned by a company when it reduces air emissions beyond what is required by permits, rules, or when a facility shuts down. It is an asset that can be used by its owner or sold to companies that need emission offsets. Emission reduction credit amounts to be approved for E&B are: