Public Notices

Notice of Public Review and Request for Comments

The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) has made a preliminary decision to issue an Authority to Construct (ATC) permit for the Imerys Minerals California Stationary Source. The Imerys Minerals California Lompoc facility is located approximately one mile south of Lompoc, California.  The facility includes the Imerys Lompoc and Celpure Plants.  The Imerys Minerals California Stationary Source is considered a major source for emissions of nitrogen oxides, reactive organic compounds, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, hazardous air pollutants and greenhouse gases.


Notice of Board Hearing

The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) Board of Directors will hold a public hearing at the time and location listed above to accept comments and consider adoption of Proposed Amended Rule 352, Natural Gas-Fired Fan-Type Central Furnaces and Small Water Heaters.  The revision is being done as a result of a 2010 Clean Air Plan commitment to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) from small water heaters.