Prescribed Burn Information

Figueroa Mountain Project and Administrative Site Pile Burning Scheduled for February-April

The Los Padres National Forest has tentatively scheduled a prescribed burn at Figueroa Mountain and various administrative sites on forest lands (Campgrounds, Trailheads, and Fire Stations) with a burn window of February 16 through April 30. The goal of the series of one-day burns is to reduce the risk of wildfire. Prescribed, or planned, fires typically burn less intensely than wildfires. Prescribed burns can help prevent the spread of wildfires and can reduce impacts to watersheds that can result in soil loss and sedimentation.


BarM Prescribed Burn to Resume Tomorrow

WHAT: State-approved Vegetation Management Program burn of approximately 70 acres of sage scrub and Oak Woodland with grass understory.
WHEN: November 20, depending on conditions. This is a resumption of a prescribed burn that last occurred on November 11 & 12. Burning operations will occur on permissive burn days.
WHERE: BarM Ranch (also known as Barham Ranch), 4 miles southeast of Los Alamos.


BarM Prescribed Burn to Occur Tomorrow

WHAT: State-approved Vegetation Management Program burn of approximately 406 acres of sage scrub and Oak Woodland with grass understory.
WHEN: November 11-12, depending on conditions. This will be a two-day burn. Burning operations may or may not occur on consecutive days, depending on conditions. If burning does not occur on consecutive days, an additional day-before media advisory will be distributed. Burning operations will occur on permissive burn days.
WHERE: BarM Ranch (also known as Barham Ranch), 4 miles southeast of Los Alamos.


Spaulding/Midland Prescribed Burn to Occur Monday

WHAT: State-approved Vegetation Management Program burn of approximately 500 acres of chaparral, sage scrub, and Oak Woodland with grass understory.
WHEN: December 7-10, depending on conditions. This burn will occur over 3-4 days. Burning operations may or may not occur on consecutive days, depending on conditions. If burning does not occur on consecutive days, an additional day-before media advisory will be distributed. Burning operations will occur on permissive burn days.
WHERE: Spaulding/Midland area, approximately 3 miles north of Los Olivos.


Monighetti Range Improvement Burn to Occur Tomorrow

WHAT: Range Improvement Burn of approximately 220 acres of sage scrub and Oak woodland with grass understory.
WHEN: November 3, depending on conditions. Burning operations will occur on a permissive burn day.
WHERE: Monighetti Ranch, 5.5 miles northeast of Lompoc, 5.5 miles west of Los Alamos, 9 miles south of Orcutt.


Sedgwick Reserve Research Burn to Occur Today

WHAT: Research burn of 3 acres of grasses.

WHEN: October 21, depending on conditions. Burning operations will occur on a permissive burn day.

WHERE: Sedgwick Reserve, Santa Ynez Valley, just east of and adjacent to Figueroa Creek.


Sedgwick Reserve Research Burn Scheduled for This Week

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif. — The Santa Barbara County Fire Department will be conducting a research burn on the Sedgwick Reserve in the Santa Ynez Valley, just east of and adjacent to Figueroa Creek. The goal of this burn is to study the effects of fire behavior on varying rangeland vegetation types and vegetative loads. Approximately three acres of grass of varying height will be burned.

Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) staff have reviewed the Smoke Management Plan and provided conditions to minimize smoke impacts in Santa Barbara County. The burn will be conducted when the meteorological conditions are highly favorable to direct smoke away from population centers.


Prescribed Burn at UCSB Lagoon Scheduled for Early September

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif. —  The Santa Barbara County Fire Department, in conjunction with UCSB’s Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration, has tentatively scheduled a one-day Prescribed Burn at UCSB Lagoon near Campus Point with a burn window in early September. This one-day burn is part of ongoing management effort to control non-native grasses and establish native bluff scrub vegetation. Building on successful past burns, this treatment will be conducted on a day within the burn window with the least amount of fog in order to generate enough heat to reduce the viability of the non-native seed bank, and on a day with the best conditions for dispersion.


Range Improvement Burn in Los Olivos Scheduled for June

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif. — The Santa Barbara County Fire Department has tentatively scheduled a range improvement burn at 4155 Figueroa Mountain Rd in Los Olivos with a burn window of June 10-11. The goal of this two-day burn is to provide live fire training for the certification of instructors to teach CA-219 Firing Operations class. This class is used to teach both firefighters and private land managers to use fire as a tool to both fight large-scale wildfires and manage prescribed fire being used as a land management tool. Prescribed, or planned, fires typically burn less intensely than wildfires. Prescribed burns can help prevent the spread of wildfires, and can reduce impacts to watersheds that can result in soil loss and sedimentation.