Business Assistance

The District is charged with protecting the public health and the local environment. We successfully accomplish this goal by working with our customers: the businesses we regulate and the public we serve. The Business Assistance Program is designed to further this cooperative relationship by helping businesses access the variety of resources we offer. For information or assistance, call the Business Assistance Line (805) 979-8050, or e-mail [email protected].

The APCD Permit Processpermit process thumbnail business assistance – Find information on what activities may require a permit, how to apply for a permit, permit fees, and more.

Asbestos Fact Sheetasbestosfiber – Find information for home and building owners; a list of asbestos contractors, consultants, and labs; and forms and FAQs for project clearance sign-offs.

 greenbizlogoGreen Business Program of Santa Barbara County – Find information on how your business can become certified, and a listing of all certified businesses that have taken steps to reduce waste and pollution, conserve energy and water, and purchase green products.

ARB Training CoursesARB classroom training – The Air Resources Board (ARB) Enforcement Division offers training courses that provide current and practical information for new and experienced environmental professionals. Find course listings and calendar of courses by visiting the link above.