Governor’s Environmental Economic Leadership Award

October 23, 1996

The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) was honored to receive the 1996 Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award today in Sacramento. The award, given in the category of Environmental Economic Partnerships, recognizes the APCD’s Clean Fuels and Energy Program, which promotes public private partnerships to reduce air pollution and help the business community.

Over 60 agencies, manufacturers, support organizations, and users participate in the Clean Fuels and Energy Program. The program has successfully leveraged $5 million to fund over $22 million in clean air projects, ranging from natural gas buses and low-polluting diesel boat engines to clean power generators and technical assistance for pollution prevention.

In March of this year, the Clean Fuels and Energy Program was recognized by the 1996 Presidential Award for Sustainable Development for its successful integration of issues relating to economic viability, environmental integrity, and social well-being.

“We’re very proud to receive the Governor’s Award,” said Air Pollution Control Officer Doug Allard, “It highlights our efforts over many years to balance the needs of local businesses with our mission to achieve clean air. We share the honor with every participant of the Clean Fuels and Energy Program.”