Supervisor Roy Lee
105 East Anapamu Street, 4th Floor
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Supervisor Laura Capps, Chair
105 East Anapamu Street, 4th Floor
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Supervisor Joan Hartmann
105 East Anapamu Street, 4th Floor
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Mayor David Brown
1644 Oak Street
Solvang, CA 93463
Members of the below are appointed by the District Board at the first meeting of each calendar year. Click on header links for more information.
◊ Executive Committee:
2025 Members – Ariston Julian, Steve Lavagnino, and Laura Capps
Standing committee, consists of the Chair and at least two additional members, meets as needed. The purpose of the Executive Committee is to provide review and input to staff and the full Board on certain complex and time-sensitive issues that may arise between Board meetings. While the committee may review and provide input to staff on these subjects, final decisions are made by the full Board.
◊ South Central Coast Basinwide Control Council:
2025 Representative for Santa Barbara County – Paula Perotte (primary member), David Silva (alternate member)
The Health and Safety Code (Section 40900) requires that in each air basin, which is composed of two or more air pollution control districts, a basinwide air pollution control council be established. This council meets quarterly and is intended to promote coordination of air pollution control efforts throughout the air basin and consists of an elected official of, and designated by, the board of each air pollution control district included in the air basin. The South Central Coast Air Basin contains the San Luis Obispo County, Santa Barbara County, and Ventura County Air Pollution Control Districts. The council meets on a quarterly basis. By-Laws can be found here.
◊ Hearing Board Nominating Committee:
2025 Members – Roy Lee, Joan Hartmann, Bob Nelson, Paula Perotte, and Alice Patino
Standing committee, consists of five Board members, meets as needed. The purpose of the committee is to make nominations for appointment to the District Hearing Board. The Final decisions of Hearing Board appointments are made by the full Board
Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District
260 N. San Antonio Rd., Suite, A Santa Barbara, CA 93110
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