APCD Hearing Board 

The APCD Hearing Board is a quasi-judicial body established to hear appeals of Control Officer permit decisions, applications for variances from District Rules and Regulations, and petitions for abatement orders submitted by the Control Officer.  The Hearing Board is a panel made up of five members appointed by, but acting independently of, the APCD Board of Directors.  Membership includes one lawyer, one professional engineer, one medical professional and two public members.  Members are subject to the provisions of the Conflict of Interest Code, California Government Code 87100 et seq. and Conflict of Interest Form 700’s are kept on file.  Appointment of each Hearing Board member is made for a term of three years.  Prior to the end of a term, the Hearing Board Nominating Committee will meet to discuss options for filling that position by either reappointing the individual or opening a recruitment.  Any recommendations made by the Nominating Committee are taken to the APCD Board of Directors for approval.  Due to the size of our district, if a recruitment for one of the specified positions yields no qualified applicants, Health and Safety Code 40802 allows appointment of a Public Representative in its place.

Hearing Board Members
Term Ends
Dr. Steven Colome, Vice-ChairMedicalOctober 2025
Robert J. SapersteinLegalJanuary 2027
Lee-Volker CoxPublicOctober 2025
Terence Dressler, ChairPublicJune 2026
Jonathan CookPublicAugust 2026

To download the Hearing Board Policies and Procedures, click here (PDF file).

When does the APCD Hearing Board meet?

The APCD Hearing Board meets on an as-needed basis, often the first Wednesday of the month at 9:30AM in the Board of Supervisor’s Hearing Room at the addresses below.  Meeting site is determined by the case(s) being heard, and meetings are only held when there are agenda items.  In addition to regular meetings, Hearing Board members may be called upon to hear individual Emergency Variance cases as they arise.

105 East Anapamu Street
Santa Barbara, CA  93101
OR511 East Lakeside Parkway
Santa Maria, CA  93455

The next meeting date and agenda will be posted on this page when available. Past agendas can be viewed here.


Information about variances, including applications, can be found on this page.

For questions about Variance Petitions and meeting procedures, email Variance@sbcapcd.org.