To District Permit/Exemption Holders
Annual Reports for your facility are due by March 1, each year for the previous year. Submission of this report is required for you to comply with the reporting requirements of your facility’s Air Pollution Control District (District) permit(s)/exemption(s).
Please read your permit to determine the specific reporting requirements for your facility. Include all information specified in your permit’s Reporting condition.
For your convenience, the District has annual report forms available for the following types of businesses: Bulk Plants, Gas Stations, Surface Coating, Solvent Use, Dry Cleaning (Perc), Dry Cleaning (Non-Perc), Fiberglassing, Autobody Shops, Degreasing Operations, Concrete Batch Plants, Sand, Rock & Gravel Operations, Boilers and Steam Generators, Diesel-Fired Emergency/Standby Engines and Wineries. If your business is permitted for any of these types of operations, then the corresponding annual report forms should have been included with this notice. The annual report forms can also be downloaded from Compliance Forms. Please note that your permit(s) may require additional information that is not included on the District annual report forms. If you have your own reporting format, that may be acceptable as well.
For all other business types, please submit the information listed in your permit’s Reporting condition. All annual reports shall include the company name, address, phone number, facility number, and all applicable permit number(s).
If your facility did not operate during a calendar year, then you must notify us of non-operation, in writing, including your company name, address, phone number, facility number, and permit number(s).
Please Mail or E-mail ( all annual reports by March 1, to:
Santa Barbara County APCD
ATTN: Annual Reports
260 N. San Antonio, Rd, Suite A
Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1315
Annual Reports are no longer accepted by FAX or at our PO Box address.
When submitting via e-mail, if you do not receive a response within 72 hours confirming that the District has received your submittal, please assume the annual report was not received and contact us at (805) 979-8050.
Failure to submit the required Annual Report or notification of non-operation by March 1, each year for the prior year, may result in enforcement action. A request for an extension must be submitted no later than February 15, in writing, by e-mail at Your extension request must include all applicable facility and permit numbers.
If you have any questions, please contact