APCD Board Actions – January 16, 2014

Agenda  (Meeting was adjourned to February 20, 2014, no actions were taken) | Received Minutes

a)    Adopt the job class specification entitled Planning and Grants Program Supervisor; and
b)    Approve and adopt a Resolution amending the APCD’s Classification and Salary Plan to:

i.      Delete one (1) Planning and Technology Supervisor;
ii.     Add one (1) Planning and Grants Program Supervisor;
iii.    Delete one (1) Air Quality Engineer III position;
iv.    Add one (1) Air Quality Specialist I/II position; and
v.     Establish a salary range for the classification of Planning and Grants Program Supervisor.

  • Authorize acceptance of terms and a check in the amount of $10,666.04 for the settlement of United States of America, and the States of California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, Virginia, District of Columbia and State and City of New York ex rel. Ann-Marie Shaw v. CA, Inc., Civil Action No. 06-3552, Federal District Court for the Eastern District of New York.     (see memo)
  • Select three members of the Board to serve on the APCD Executive Committee during calendar year 2014.
  • Appoint one Board member to serve as the representative to the South Central Coast Basinwide Control Council during calendar year 2014.
  • Select five members of the Board to serve on the APCD Hearing Board Nominating Committee during calendar year 2014.
  • Receive a presentation from Southern California Edison regarding Peaking Power Plants.   (see memo)
  • Consider the following actions:   (see memo and presentation pdf)

a)    Receive staff’s analysis on the Offsets Workgroup options; and
b)    Direct the Control Officer to proceed with public workshops and Community Advisory Council meetings in order to develop rule revisions to address the offsets issue.