Residential Diesel Generator Engines

On March 17, 2005, the APCD Board adopted revisions to Rule 202, as required by state law. Diesel engines rated at greater than 50 brake-horsepower (bhp) are now required to obtain APCD permits. New engines require a permit before installation; owners/operators with existing engines were required to submit applications by no later than June 16, 2005.  If you own/operate an existing engine, and did not submit an application by June 16, 2005, your application is now overdue.  See Permit Application Material below.

Note: this page is for residential generators only. If this is a non-residential generator, please see this page.

Permit Application Material

(Please note the Forms can be completed online prior to printing for submission to the APCD.  They can only be saved “with your data” to your computer if you own Adobe’s Acrobat Standard or Professional software).

Your application package should include either Form -36 or Form -37.

Compliance Forms

  • ATCM Recordkeeping Form ENF-92

Reference Material

For more information or assistance, email [email protected].

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