Presidential Award for Sustainable Development

March 7, 1996

The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) received the 1996 Presidential Award for Sustainable Development in Washington, DC on March 7, 1996. Air Pollution Control Officer Doug Allard accepted the award on behalf of the District. The Award recognizes the District’s Clean Fuels and Energy Program which promotes innovative government-industry partnerships to reduce air pollution and help the business community.

President Clinton created the Council on Sustainable Development in June 1993. The Council brings together 25 leaders from business, government, and environmental, labor, tribal, and citizens organizations. The Presidents Council was charged with developing a national action strategy for sustainable development — a series of recommendations to help the United States foster a strong economy, protect its natural and cultural resource base, and create equal opportunity for all people to improve their quality of life. As part of its mission, the Council developed a program to recognize and honor outstanding contributions to sustainable development.

The Presidential honors program was launched in October 1994. The Council received more than 300 nominations, and recommended 33 programs and initiatives — from which President Clinton chose 15 –that reflect the principals of sustainable development as defined by the successful integration of issues relating to economic viability, environmental integrity, and social well-being.

“The Presidential Award highlights the success of our efforts over many years to balance the needs of local businesses with our mission to achieve clean air,” Allard said.

Over 60 agencies, manufacturers, support organizations, and users participate in the District’s Clean Fuels and Energy Program. The program has successfully leveraged $5 million to fund over $22 million in projects, generating at least 20 new jobs in the Santa Barbara County, creating two new manufacturing businesses, and helping convert defense contractors to high-technology manufacturing.

APCD’s Clean Fuels and Energy Program