Public Notice

To be published January 2, 2011

Air Quality Regulatory Measures that May Be Adopted or Amended in 2011

State law (Health and Safety Code Section 40923) requires the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) to publish a list of regulatory measures scheduled for consideration during each year.  These regulatory measures, or rules and regulations, are adopted in order to reduce air pollution in Santa Barbara County.

Air quality rules and regulations that may be adopted or amended during 2011 are listed below.  This adoption schedule may vary as regulatory priorities change due to local, state, and federal mandates and policies.  The schedule also varies with the complexity of issues confronting each rule development effort and the public comments received.  Please note that even though a measure is included on this list, it may not actually be adopted or amended in 2011.

Before the adoption or amendment of any regulatory measure, the District publishes a notice in a local newspaper and holds a hearing to accept comments from affected businesses and other interested parties.

Rule Number   Type   Rules Title/Description  
102 Revision Definitions
201 Revision Permits Required
202 Revision Exemptions to Rule 201
302 Revision Visible Emissions
303 Revision Nuisance
312 Revision Open Fires
323 Revision Architectural Coatings
325 Revision Crude Oil Production and Separation
326 Revision Storage of Reactive Organic Compound Liquids
330 Revision Surface Preparation and Coating of Metal Parts and Products
333 Revision Control of Emissions from Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
337 Revision Surface Preparation and Coating of Aircraft or Aerospace Vehicle Parts and Products
342 Revision Control of Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) from Boilers, Steam Generators and Process Heaters
343 Revision Petroleum Storage Tank Degassing
344 Revision Petroleum Sumps, Pits, and Well Cellars
349 Revision Polyester Resin Operations
351 Revision Surface Preparation and Surface Coating of Wood Products
352 Revision Natural Gas-Fired Fan-Type Central Furnaces and Residential Water Heaters
353 Revision Adhesives and Sealants
354 Revision Graphic Arts and Paper, Film Foil, and Fabric Coatings
360 Revision Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from Large Water Heaters and Small Boilers
361 Revision Small Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters
370 Revision Potential to Emit Limitations for Part 70 Sources
810 New Federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration
901 Revision New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
1301 Revision General Information

If you would like to check on the status of a rule or contact a rulemaking staff person regarding the rules included on this list, please see this page. For more information, contact Ron Tan at (805) 961-8812 or Doug Grapple at (805) 961-8883.

Published Sunday, January 2, 2011

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