Exceptional Events Mitigation Plan for Santa Barbara County
Santa Barbara County has been identified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an area that is required to develop a mitigation plan to minimize the public exposure from PM10 emissions generated during exceptional events, which may include wildfires, high wind dust events, prescribed fires, stratospheric ozone intrusions, and firework demonstrations. As required by the 2016 Exceptional Events Rule, and codified at Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 51.930 (40 CFR 51.930), the Santa Barbra County Air Pollution Control District (District) has prepared a draft Exceptional Events Mitigation Plan for Santa Barbara County and is soliciting comments on the draft plan.
This draft plan outlines the procedures the District will take to protect public health in cases where exceptional events increase PM10 concentrations in the region to a level where they exceed or are expected to exceed the 24-hour PM10 ambient air quality standard. Key elements for the plan include: 1) public education and notification, 2) measures to minimize contributing controllable sources, 3) measures to minimize public exposure to high concentrations of PM, 4) processes to collect and maintain data pertinent to the event, and 5) periodic review and evaluation.
Public Comment Procedures
A copy of the draft plan is available for review at the District office, 260 North San Antonio Road, Suite A, Santa Barbra, CA 93110, and can also be downloaded from the District’s website.
Draft Exceptional Events Mitigation Plan
Comments may be submitted in writing from December 18, 2023 to January 17, 2024, to Bryan Wong at the District office at the above address. For more information, contact Bryan Wong at (805) 979-8302 or [email protected].
All public comments and responses will be part of the plan submittal to EPA.