Notice of Public Review and Comment Opportunity
Contaminated Soil Cleanup Project at 116 East Cota Street in Santa Barbara
The Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara has applied to the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) for a permit to excavate and remove approximately 750 cubic yards of soil contaminated by a former auto wrecking yard located at 116 East Cota Street in Santa Barbara. Excavated material will be loaded on trucks for transportation offsite to a State‑approved disposal facility. The project site is within 1,000 feet of the property boundary of La Cuesta High School, located at 710 Santa Barbara Street in Santa Barbara.
The District has included conditions in the Permit to Operate for this project that will minimize the release of emissions into the atmosphere during the excavation, handling, and transport of the contaminated material. Before our agency issues this permit, state law requires that we notify you, since you are either the parent/guardian of a student attending the school or are a resident or business located within 1,000 feet of the site. We are providing you an opportunity to review and comment on this proposed permitting action. Further, prior to issuing the final permit, we will submit to the permit’s administrative file our written responses to any comments we receive during the comment period.
A copy of the draft permit document (Permit to Operate 15706) may be found here: Draft Permit.
Please provide any comments to us within 30 days of the receipt of this notice at the address below (Attn: Agnieszka Letts, 805-961-8821, [email protected]).
260 North San Antonio Road
Suite A
Santa Barbara, CA 93110