Notice of Public Workshop

AB 617 – Best Available Retrofit Control Technology Implementation Schedule

 The District invites you to attend a joint public workshop and Community Advisory Council meeting at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, November 7, 2018. The meeting will be held at:

Santa Ynez Valley Marriott (Nojoqui Falls Room)
555 McMurray Road in Buellton.

This workshop is to present, discuss, and receive feedback on the proposed expedited schedule for implementing Best Available Retrofit Control Technology (BARCT) requirements as required by Assembly Bill 617 (AB 617). BARCT is an emission limit that applies to existing sources of air pollution and is the maximum degree of emission reductions achievable, taking into account environmental, energy and economic impacts for each class or category of source. Under AB 617, all air districts located in nonattainment areas must perform a BARCT analysis of all categories of emission sources located at facilities subject to the state Cap-and-Trade program. The District must also adopt an expedited schedule to implement BARCT requirements at these sources by January 1, 2019. If any rule is found to not meet BARCT, rule amendments and/or new rules must be adopted and fully implemented to address BARCT by no later than December 31, 2023.

Documents for this workshop and additional information can be found here:

Hard copies of the staff report are available for review at the District offices.

Please provide written comments to the project manager, Timothy Mitro, by email at [email protected], or by mail at Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District, 260 N. San Antonio Rd, Suite A, Santa Barbara, CA 93110. To ensure that comments are included in the Board Package for the Board of Directors, the District requests all written comments to be submitted prior to 5 p.m. on November 22, 2018. Comments may also be submitted at any time prior to or at the workshop.

For additional information, please contact staff at (805) 961-8883.