Re: Operation of Emergency Standby Generator at 890 N. Refugio Road
Harry’s House, a Senior Congregate Care Residential Community has applied to the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) for a permit to install and operate a stationary diesel-fired emergency standby generator at 890 N. Refugio Road in Santa Ynez to provide backup power during emergency events. The proposed location has property boundaries that are within 1,000 feet of the property boundary of Santa Ynez Valley Union High School, located at 2975 E. Highway 246 and Santa Ynez Valley Christian Academy, located at 891 N. Refugio Road in Santa Ynez.
As part of the District’s evaluation of this proposed installation, we have assessed the potential health risk created by the project’s emissions. Our analysis, which is conservatively health protective, shows that the expected emissions from the proposed permitting action will be below any levels that would create a significant air toxic risk to public health and the environment. Before our agency issues this permit, state law requires that we notify you, since you are either the parent/guardian of a student attending the school or are a resident or business located within 1,000 feet of the site. We are providing you an opportunity to review and comment on this proposed permitting action. Further, prior to issuing the final permit, we will submit to the permit’s administrative file our written responses to any comments we receive during the comment period.
A copy of the draft permit document (Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate 15923) is available for review on the District website:
Please provide any comments to us within 30 days of the receipt of this notice at the address below (Attn: Noah Dooley, 805-979-8316 or [email protected]).