Apply for 2021 Clean Air Grant Funding

July 15, 2021


En español

Lyz Bantilan, Public Information Officer, (805) 961-8819

Apply for 2021 Clean Air Grant Funding
On-Road, Off-Road, Marine, Agricultural, and Infrastructure Projects Qualify


SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif. — Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) announced today that the 2021 Clean Air Grants Program will accept applications starting August 2, through September 3. Approximately $1.6 million is available for voluntary emission reduction grant projects.

APCD will prioritize projects located in Low-Income Communities (as defined by AB 1550) as well as projects proposing zero-emission or near-zero emission technology, with the goal of distributing funds throughout the county. Additional information about AB 1550, along with a map that outlines Low-Income Communities, can be viewed on our website.

Individuals, businesses, and nonprofits looking to replace old equipment with newer, cleaner technology, or transition to zero-emission or near-zero emission vehicles, equipment, and/or fueling infrastructure, are encouraged to apply. Successful projects will be eligible to receive a grant within a range from $10,000 to $250,000, and not to exceed 80% of the total eligible project costs. Emission reductions from the project must be surplus to any rule or regulation. Examples of eligible projects include:

  • On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles:
    • Heavy-duty trucks and buses
    • School buses
    • Solid waste collection vehicles
    • Transit fleet vehicles, including urban buses
    • Public agency and utility vehicles
    • Emergency vehicles
  • Alternative Fueling Infrastructure
  • Off-Road Equipment:
    • Tractors
    • Forklifts
    • Loaders and dozers
    • Excavators
    • Agricultural utility vehicles
  • Marine Vessels (regulated and non-regulated commercial vessels)
  • Agricultural Engines

Over the past 33 years, APCD has collaborated with local operators and awarded more than $47 million to various engine replacement projects throughout Santa Barbara County. These projects have eliminated several thousand tons of smog-forming pollution and particulate matter, both of which harm human health. Here are some testimonials from previous recipients:

Our new tractors have increased not only employee morale, with their reliability, it has also increased owner morale, with its fuel and mechanical efficiency. Employees feel that they can complete their tasks quicker and more efficiently, and the owner feels that, along with employee performance, the tasks are completed at a more cost-effective rate. — Boavista Farms (Santa Maria)

The Grant program significantly buffered the cost of a much-needed upgrade for our growing operation.  Rather than limping along with a dated polluter, we now have a modern, fuel-efficient, and cleaner-running tractor. While looking in the cab, I wished that I was the one who would do the operating! — DG Farming & Equipment (Santa Maria)

“I enjoy hearing from previous Clean Air Grant recipients about how transitioning to newer, cleaner technology has benefited their operations while improving our air quality,” said Aeron Arlin Genet, APCD Director. “I strongly encourage all interested companies and organizations to apply.”

For more information, visit