Notice of Recruitment – Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District Hearing Board
The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) is offering a great opportunity to contribute to local government and air pollution control! The District is recruiting to fill one position on the District Hearing Board. The Hearing Board is a quasi-judicial body that makes determinations on permit appeals, variances from local District rules and regulations, and considers requests for permit revocations and abatement orders. The Hearing Board meets when there are cases to be heard, on the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors Hearing Room in either Santa Barbara or Santa Maria. On average, the Hearing Board meets about two times per year for approximately one hour. Members may also be called upon to hear short-term variances as they arise.
The Hearing Board is composed of five-members, each with three-year terms: one attorney, one professional engineer, one member of the medical profession (with specialized skills, training, or interests in the fields of environmental medicine, community medicine, or occupational/toxicological medicine), and two public members. The current opening is for the engineer position OR a public member. The successful candidate will be subject to the provisions of the Conflict of Interest Code, California Government Code 87100 et seq. and will be required to submit a Conflict of Interest Form 700 annually as required by the California Fair Political Practices Commission. In addition, members are required to complete mandatory bi-annual training pursuant to AB1234 (Ethics) and AB1661 (Sexual Harassment Prevention Training and Education).
For more information or to download an application, visit our website at or call the District at (805) 979-8282. Applications must be received by Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at Santa Barbara County APCD, 260 N. San Antonio Road, Suite A, Santa Barbara, CA 93110, Attention: Lore Saldana or email at [email protected].
Interviews will be conducted by the Hearing Board Nominating Committee of the District Board of Directors in the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors Conference Room in Santa Maria on Thursday, June 15, 2023.