To be published February 13, 2011
California Environmental Quality Act Significance Thresholds for Greenhouse Gases
February 24, 9:30 am
Days Inn: Windmill Room
114 East Highway 246, Buellton
As required by the March, 2010 revisions to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, new projects must be evaluated for their potential impacts to climate change/greenhouse gas emissions. The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) proposes to adopt CEQA significance thresholds that will apply to stationary sources subject to District permit requirements.
Public Review and Workshop
District staff has reviewed the ongoing efforts of local and state agencies to address stationary source thresholds for greenhouse gasses, and has analyzed greenhouse gas emissions from District regulated stationary sources. Based on these reviews we are proposing thresholds for stationary sources. We are holding a public workshop to receive public input on our review to date and our current proposed direction.
For additional information on our review to date, please see “Significance Thresholds for GHGs – Questions and Answers” (PDF file). You may also contact Molly Pearson at (805) 961-8838 ([email protected]) or Brian Shafritz at (805) 961-8823 ([email protected]) for this information or with any questions.
Published Sunday, February 13, 2011
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