Notice of Public Review and Request for Comments

Authority to Construct Permit 16293 for Space Exploration Technologies – Tugboat Streamlining Project

The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) has issued draft permit Authority to Construct 16293 for the Space Exploration Technologies – Tugboat Streamlining Project.

Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) is proposing modifications to operational restrictions for the primary tugboat, barge and support tugboat for increased flexibility when using tugboats to transport launch vehicles to Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) harbor.

In accordance with the public notification requirements of District Rule 802.I, the District has made available for public inspection the analysis of the effect of the proposed permitted operations on air quality and the preliminary decision to grant the Authority to Construct permit. The anticipated degree of increment consumption is as follows:


Increment Analysis Results


Averaging Period Modeled Conc.




Percent of Increment
SO2 3-hour 5.1 512 1.0%
SO2 24-hour 1.8 91 2.0%
SO2 Annual 0.2 20 1.1%
CO 1-hour 805.1 10,000 8.1%
CO 8-hour 291.5 2,500 11.7%
NO2 1-hour 141.2 100 – 188 75.1%
NO2 Annual 15.9 25 63.4%
PM10 24-hour 2.5 12 – 30 11.7%
PM10 Annual 0.3 17 1.7%
PM2.5 24-hour 1.9 9 20.7%
PM2.5 Annual 0.3 4 7.3%


Permitting Action

The proposed permitting action modifies operations of a primary tugboat, barge and support tugboat transporting space launch vehicles to VSFB harbor up to 36 times per year.  The proposed modifications allow for increased flexibility, including new routes for boat transport, increased daily and annual hours of operation, and increased fuel usage limits.

Public Comment Procedures

Copies of the permit application and the draft permit are available for review from September 25, 2024 to October 25, 2024 on the District website at: and at the following location:

Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District
260 North San Antonio Road, Suite A
Santa Barbara, CA 93110

Comments on the draft permit should be submitted, in writing or by email, to the District at the address above (attn.: William Sarraf) or to [email protected] by October 25, 2024.

The District will consider scheduling a hearing for public comments on the draft permit, if a request is made in writing during the public notice period. To request a public hearing, please send correspondence to William Sarraf at the above address.


Draft ATC 16293
