January 25, 2019
Lyz Hoffman, Public Information Officer, (805) 961-8819
Old Car Buy Back Program Expands Model Years
$1,000 for Gasoline or Diesel Vehicle, 1995 or Older
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) is now accepting vehicles, model year 1995 or older (expanded from the previous requirement of model year 1994 or older), under the popular Old Car Buy Back Program.
Since 2006, the District’s program has purchased vehicles from Santa Barbara County residents looking to retire their older cars, which produce more emissions than newer versions. The program has cut more than 200 tons of smog-forming pollution by taking 5,500 older cars off the road. The vehicles that would still qualify for this program locally account for five percent of the vehicles in the county but represent more than 27 percent of the county’s car emissions.
“Advances in vehicle technology over the years have drastically improved air quality both locally and statewide,” said District Director Aeron Arlin Genet. “With this program, we hope that people take that $1,000 and either enjoy alternative transportation options such as taking the bus or riding a bike, or apply it toward the purchase of a newer, cleaner car.”
Funding for this program comes from vehicle registration fees designated for use by local air districts. The District will pay $1,000 for 1995 or older gasoline or diesel cars, light-duty trucks, vans, or SUVs, if certain conditions are met. Those conditions include, but aren’t limited to:
- Vehicles must be registered in Santa Barbara County for the past two consecutive years;
- Vehicles must be in working condition;
- Vehicles must be smog-certified.
The vehicles bought by this program are removed from the road permanently after a licensed auto dismantler crushes the cars. The District works with specific dismantlers in Goleta, Lompoc, and Santa Maria.
For more information, including a full list of requirements, call (805) 961-8814 or visit Old Car Buy Back Program.